Try these garlic and herb grilled beef Tenderloin Steaks for your next special dinner. They are easy and elegant and will wow the pickiest of eaters.
Combine garlic, thyme and pepper; press evenly onto beef Tenderloin Steaks.
Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 10 to 14 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 11 to 15 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally.
Meanwhile, combine Horseradish Cream ingredients in small bowl; cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Season steaks with salt, as desired. Serve with Horseradish Cream.
Test Kitchen Tips Make sure your grill is clean (to prevent flare-ups) and the rack is well-oiled (to prevent sticking).