Exploring the Path of Beef Sustainability Reader Series

The "Exploring the Path of Beef Sustainability" Readers, provided free of charge to Kansas educators, offer an exciting opportunity for students to uncover the connections between beef production and sustainability. Educators can access a reader for each student, inviting them to explore the environmental impact of cattle farming and sustainability. Each reader includes a teacher guide and supplementary teaching resources to enhance the learning experience. The series encompasses three readers for grade levels 6-8 and 9-12. These readers are easily accessible for printing and use by anyone.

Suggested Uses:

  • Ideal for substitute teacher activities
  • A valuable addition to science or STEM curriculum
  • Suitable for small reading groups or reading centers
  • Promotes the integration of science and reading
  • Encourages career exploration
  • Provides engaging content for filling time after quizzes and tests
  • A valuable after-school resource for extended learning opportunities

All Readers can be used digitally! Simply click on the QR codes in each Reader to access the linked content.

Reader 1: Exploring the Path of Beef Sustainability

 download the issue 

 Download Teacher Guide 

 Download Student Worksheets

Reader 2: Upcycling 

 download this issue

 download teacher guide 

 download student worksheets 

Reader 3: land and water use

 download this issue

 download teacher guide 

 download student worksheets 

Breakout Box

This breakout is designed to provide students basic knowledge of the beef industry, an industry our students should be familiar with.

Do You Know Your Moo? - Breakout Box Curriculum

As cities grow, many people move away from an agricultural understanding, even though it is essential to their lives. Kansas is one of the largest beef- and corn-producing states, and agriculture is the largest industry in Kansas. This breakout is designed to provide students basic knowledge of the beef industry, an industry our students should be familiar with. Students will learn about the common breeds of cattle, the beef life cycle, products made from beef, beef cuts, and facts about grain- and grass-finished beef. Many cross-curricular connections can be made using this breakout box activity and teachers are encouraged to adapt this activity to meet their lesson’s objectives and learning outcomes. Starting a lesson with this breakout activity will create general awareness that can lead to more in-depth investigations and activities that will keep the conversation going about the beef industry. A great intro to a STEM activity!

Download Curriculum Materials:

Check back here or visit Kansas Corn for updated resources in the future.

Game Designer – Kansas Beef Council, Kansas Corn Commission and Jessica Sadler

Content Areas – STEM, Agriculture, Corn, Beef, Science

Continuous Learning - Break Box Online

Using breakout.edu, our game can be played online. No physical box needed! Teacher Tip: Instructions above are for the classroom breakout box. For help with the answers to the online game, simply go to the Online Lock Combinations tabs.

 Play our Break Box Game Online! 

Order BreakoutEDU.com Kits

Visit BreakoutEDU.com to download engaging learning games that brings the challenge of an escape room to the classroom.

Additional Stem Resources

Visit Kansas Corn Seed to STEM program to explore corn education resources and programs.

Agriculture Center for Science Education