No preservative breakfast sausage recipe

6 Easy meals made with our homemade beef breakfast sausage

The buzz of the alarm and you’re up after mentally toughing-out the dilemma of that tempting snooze button. The morning coffee is brewing, there’s time for a quick shower and, hopefully, a breakfast that will get you and the kids through the lunch hour. With the addition of getting kids ready and maybe fitting in a quick workout, mornings are overflowing with activity and the goals of a healthy breakfast often can take a back seat to the allure and ease of a sugar-laced compromise.     

But, there’s no need to resort to unsatisfying and undernourishing foods or just a cup of coffee in the morning. Quick and balanced breakfasts can come together in no time with a little planning. 

Here are our favorite recipes, all of which rely upon a homemade, preservative-free ground beef sausage mix that can be found at the bottom of this page. 

1. beefy breakfast burritos

The humble breakfast burrito is the ultimate grab-and-go morning meal. Make the burritos when you have time, wrap in parchment paper, and store in the refrigerator or freezer. Ground beef, peppers and onions are quickly sautéed and mixed with scrambled eggs. Serve with Greek yogurt or your favorite salsa. 

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2. easy beef breakfast rolls

Make a batch or two of these rolls on Sunday, cool and freeze. The kids can pop them out of the freezer, microwave for 30 seconds, and have a delicious, protein-packed breakfast without the hassle or morning fuss. 

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Easy Beef Breakfast Rolls

3. Beef and egg breakfast mugs

This recipe is perfect for rushed mornings throughout the week. These egg mugs provide a convenient way to start the day and offer a boost of protein, iron and zinc. 

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Beef and Egg Breakfast Mugs

4. beef sausage & gravy

Here is a beefed-up breakfast classic. Thaw your beef breakfast sausage mix and add it to your favorite gravy mix. Serve over warm biscuits or muffins, or over asparagus for a low-carb variation. 

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Beef Sausage Gravy

5. beef breakfast sausage & goat cheese egg bites

Whip up this recipe in the evening and you'll have a quick breakfast or brunch in the morning. This egg and goat cheese bake is like a savory cheese cake. Substitute non-fat, plain Greek yogurt for the sour cream to boost your protein and lower the fat. 

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Beef Breakfast Sausage and Goat Cheese Egg Bake

6. beef and veggie frittata

Start off your day with veggies and protein with this easy frittata recipe. Just substitute our  breakfast sausage mix for the ground beef. . 

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Beef and Veggie Frittata
Cooked Sausage in Pan


  • 2 pounds ground beef (93% lean or leaner)
  • 4 teaspoons chopped fresh sage or 1/2 teaspoon rubbed sage
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder 
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder 
  • 1 teaspoons salt 
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper


  1. Combine ground beef and seasonings in large bowl, mixing lightly, but thoroughly. 
  2. To make patties, lightly shape sausage mixture into four 1/2-inch thick patties. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add patties; cook 10 to 12 minutes or until instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally into center registers 160°F, turning occasionally. 
Cook's Tip: Cooking times are for fresh or thoroughly thawed ground beef. Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160° F. Color is not a reliable indicator of ground beef doneness. 

Meal Prep Tip: This sausage freezes very well, so purchase enough ground beef to make 3-5 pounds and freeze in resealable plastic bags to thaw when needed.