How to calibrate your meat thermometer

Have you felt that all-too-familiar sense of anxiety as you cut into a beautiful steak, hoping for it to be perfectly cooked to your desired level of doneness? You need not worry! A meat thermometer and the information below will tell you all you need to know to attain the perfect doneness of beef to make sure your meal is safe, wholesome and delicious!

How to calibrate your "beef. it's what's for dinner." meat thermometer

Did you know that meat thermometers need to be calibrated before use to make sure they're accurate? Watch this short instructional video to calibrate your thermometer and you'll be on your way to a perfectly cooked steak or roast in no time.  You will need a thermometer, a jar full of ice water and a pair of pliers. 

steak temperature


For steaks 1/2 inch or thicker, insert an instant-read thermometer horizontally from the side so that it penetrates the thickest part or the center of the steak, not touching bone or fat. 

For medium-rare the temperature should read 145°F, the temperature for medium steaks should read 160° F, and well-done is 170° F. 

After cooking, let steaks rest before serving. 

Grecian Beef Top Loin Steaks and Mushroom Kabobs Step 3 (temping steaks)

Ground Beef

Ground beef should be cooked to a safe and savory 160° F. Color is not a reliable indicator of ground beef doneness. Due to the natural nitrate content of certain ingredients often used in meatloaf, such as onions, celery and bell peppers, meatloaf may remain pink even when a 160°F internal temperature has been reached. 

Insert an instant-read thermometer into the center of the thickest part of the meatloaf or meatball, or horizontally from the side into the center of hamburger patties for an accurate reading. 

temperature burger


Insert an ovenproof meat thermometer prior to roasting into the thickest part of the roast, not resting in fat or touching bone. Leave the thermometer in throughout the cooking process.  

Or, insert an instant-read thermometer toward end of cooking time (as described above) for about 15 seconds to get an accurate reading. If necessary, remove thermometer and continue cooking until the roast reaches the desired temperature. 

Temperature will continue to rise 5º F to 15º F after removing from oven, to reach desired doneness.  Allow 15 to 20 minutes standing time.

Thermometer Probe in Roast